Monday, November 10, 2008

WHAT STUPID FATWA??? ~ Malaysiakini

Yoga has been around for thousands of years. Yoga is for all the human beings. Hinduism and Indians have been around for that long too. Now we her the Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan say Yoga is Haram. This is the meaning of the word Stupid!!! Who are this Fatwa people??? They say Islam has answer to everything is life and are scared to admit that Hindus have a more better answer to life. Yoga is one of the many examples of a culture and religious that is older than Islam and Muhammad.

This Majils Fatwa better solve the problems facing the Malays like Mat Rempit, drugs, incest, poor productivity and laziness before commenting on Yoga and the Indian culture. Hinduism is pure and true.

Malaysian Indians for the 1st time expressed their dislikes over BN publicly in GE12 .So we made the government realize that we are not happy and we need more. And unfortunately now MIC the sole Indians rep in the government is left with only few reps. Is this what they wanted?? Is this for good?? Don't blame MIC for what the Majlis Fatwa is saying about one of the treasures of our culture.

We like it or not, we regret it or not, this is out situation till GE13.


  1. maybe these moron is going to issue another fatwa prohibits Hindu & Chinese to have more than 1 kid....

  2. So, an MIC apologists attacking the Majlis Fatwa.

    Fatwa is only for Muslims. Hindus can continue
    on with what they wanted to do. Hell, why
    are you so scared of Majlis Fatwa anyway?
    It is not your religion so why should you bother?

    Did you not have any respect for Islam?
    Simply saying Hindu have better solutions is
    the same as the Majlis Fatwa edict.

    So, pot calling kettle black heh?

  3. agree with you.. even RPK admit that lots of tradition Islam borrow from Hindu. now they say YOGA 'haram'. in that case muslim's shouldn't do any meditation because its a part of YOGA what. may be FATWA scared that now days yoga accepted worldwide including malaysia. many muslims practice yoga and this might not a good sign to fatwa who may scared that this people will convert to HINDUISM. must understand that Hinduism never force anyone convert to the religion. just by practicing yoga i feel that muslims didn't against Islam. i have lots of malay friends and they also against fanatic Islam practice. they also feels that yoga is a good way to live healthy.

  4. Dear Dr.,

    May I respectfully suggest that one refrains from making comments about Majlis Fatwa rulings if one has no " locus standi " to do so ( unless you are a Muslim ).
    The Fatwa ( yet to be declared , so you may be jumping the gun )applies specifically to Muslims
    ( with regards to it being halal / haram ) , and has no bearing what so ever to non - Muslims .

    I personally believe in the benefits of Yoga but I opine that the Muslim scholars / leaders
    have their right to lead their " flock " according to their beliefs.

    Thank you .


  5. what ever you said, please be respect other religion other race other perspectives. The Majlis Fatwa is NOT said that other MALAYSIAN CAN'T PRACTICE YOGA BUT YOGA IS NOT SUITABLE FOR MUSLIM. They are the professional council. If they said YOGA is HARAM to everyone so you can protest but its for muslim because they want protect ISLAM as you protect your religion. So PLEASE RESPECT OUR MAJLIS FATWA as WE RESPECT YOUR SAMI AND OTHER RELIGION. We can live harmony if can tolerate and dont cross the border.

  6. what ever you said, please be respect other religion other race other perspectives. The Majlis Fatwa is NOT said that other MALAYSIAN CAN'T PRACTICE YOGA BUT YOGA IS NOT SUITABLE FOR MUSLIM. They are the professional council. If they said YOGA is HARAM to everyone so you can protest but its for muslim because they want protect ISLAM as you protect your religion. So PLEASE RESPECT OUR MAJLIS FATWA as WE RESPECT YOUR SAMI AND OTHER RELIGION. We can live harmony if can tolerate and dont cross the border.

  7. if Muslims dont want non muslims to comment on rediculous Fatwa rulings, I suggest we do it behind close doors among the Muslims only.

    When we discuss these issues in public and humiliate other Muslims who practise Yoga, then we can expect others to voice their discontent too, since it has become public and is a public issue.

    So Muslims must settle our disputes behind closed doors.

  8. Come on...Its a non-issue la...I'm a muslim and I don't give a shit about fatwas.

    The muslims who really love the fatwas don't do Yoga anyway..

    Institutionalized religions are for nutters...

  9. Hi;
    Don't talk rubbish!The Fatwa Council only telling Muslims to refrain from yoga... thats all.It doesn't touch Hinduism at all.Somehow I wonder where u got ur Doctorate from?

  10. I agreed with JT's comment. Please refrains yourself as your not a muslim. Do research first on subject that you want to write especially in matters as sensitive as this.


  11. Yoga has been a tradition and a teaching of the Hindu religion over the centuries. If people from other religions feel it is not suitable or not in limine with their own religion, so be it. The Hindu religion is not interested in teaching people from other religions its sacred teachings or interested in converting others, simply because Hindus believe nobody can change anybody. Only you can change yourself and I can change me.

    But do not make a meal out of this ancient Hindu practice and make the Hindu religion a scapegoat for your own ignorance of your own religious laws. Practice your own religion freely and leave Hindu teachings alone.

  12. The Yoga Fatwa, even if declared, is nothing compare to the 'Breast-Feeding'.

    I am not sure if this Breat-feeding Fatwa was declared or not..

  13. Slowly but surely they come out with fatwas after fatwas. Normally non muslims don't give two hoots what they come out with but one of these days one of their fatwas will affect the livelihood of the non muslims and make life difficult for all to live in this country.
    It's strange why they don't issue fatwas against corruption, abuse of power or race discrimination. Aren't these sins to be found more among them?

  14. U must be another stupied MIC DR....

  15. Ya, 100% agree with JT. Pls be extra careful and don't digress on matters pertaining strictly to our faith.


  16. Yoga should be introduced to Rubber and Oil Palm estates where most Hindus dwell(in Malaysia) to arrest the spread of wives beating and drunkardness.
    Hindraf members should practice yoga too.
    However, I understand that Yoga is out of bound for the pariah caste, is it?

  17. Dear Dr..
    Fatwa yang dikeluarkan adalah untuk penganut agama Islam. Majlis mengeluarkan faktwa berdasarkan Quran dan hadis bukan membuat sesuatu berasakan kepentingan manusia dan duniawi.
    Since fatwa adalah for muslim and who are not a muslim not affected at all.
    The commented from Anonymous " even RPK admit that lots of tradition Islam borrow from Hindu" I totally disagreed since he/she cannot differentiate from Malay ,Islam, islam teaching and tradition itself.he/she looked confused what he/she talking about.
    So why it the non muslim scared and bother what the fatwa who is stupid now???

  18. what the fucking shit?? keling pariah.. HARAM KEJADAH!!! HAHAHA.. go home india lar..

  19. Alloo broo... the fatwa is use for muslim people only. and for this time, majlis fatwa stil study about the yoga n its spiritual. so please for U hindhu what ever u wanna do in your religious is yours like pecah kelapa la...cucuk2 hidung ker.. we all muslim TAK KISAH PUN because Islam said Agama kamu bagi agama kamu, Agama ku bagi agama ku. So PLESE LU PERGI BELAJAR ABOUT ISLAM BEFORE U NAK CAKAP PASAL ISLAM. pssss: DALAM KITAB LU PUN ADA SURUH 'BERHATI2 SAMA IBU KAMU'. apa meaning? lu sndiri mau ingat la lu punya agama.

  20. >> agree with you.. even RPK admit that lots of tradition Islam borrow from Hindu. now they say YOGA 'haram'. in that case muslim's shouldn't do any meditation because its a part of YOGA what. may be FATWA scared that now days yoga accepted worldwide including malaysia. many muslims practice yoga and this might not a good sign to fatwa who may scared that this people will convert to HINDUISM. must understand that Hinduism never force anyone convert to the religion. just by practicing yoga i feel that muslims didn't against Islam. i have lots of malay friends and they also against fanatic Islam practice. they also feels that yoga is a good way to live healthy.<<

    Hello. RPK is wrong. NOT tradision of ISlam borrow from Hindhu but Malay tradition is borow from hindhu ok. Tanah Melayu before Islam is hindhu but Alhamdulillah Islam come here. So most of all Malay elements like bersanding, merenjis, berinai is take from hindhuisme. And it come to be as part of budaya melayu. PERGI SEKOLAH BELAJAR SEJARAH BALIK LA!!

  21. Hei Tahmby the fatwa is only for muslim la. Apa mau takut Thamby? pergi makan itu roti canai la. Lu dengan agama lu la, kami dengan agama kami. PODAAH...............

  22. Yoga haram untuk orang islam bukan untuk orang hindu, siapa yang bodoh, fatwa bodoh ke kau yang bodoh?

  23. one stupid doctor from indonesia.

    fatwa is meant only for muslims. for goodness sake, why a hindu should bother with muslim affairs?

    why, idiot doctor? IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU! for an idiot hindu doctor to querry islamic rulings for muslims is akin to muslims querrying how stupid the hindus worshipping the lembu (well, maybe the hindus are lembu themselves!).


  24. Kalau kau bukan Islam jangan cakap pasal Islam. Kau dengan agama kau dan Aku dengan agama aku.

  25. Dear Dr, don't say stupid about this FATWA, b'coz it make u like a stupid person to me. Don't talk about Islam if u know n'thing about it.U have your own beleif about your religion, others also have.It just for muslim only with regards to halal&haram. Is it fair for me to ask you why u don't eat meat(cow) even if others can??. So think b4 u say bro!! I wonder where you got that Dr. title??

  26. Non bumis who open up a business must employ a bumi director. Monthly must give director's fee + %profit and this money is called HALAL. Easy money halal!!!. Don talk abt Wawasan 2020... let it be 100 years to come they will never learn and will never work hard for $$$. Day will come where this people will have to answer to their GOD for all haram $$$ they have received.God's punishment is ever greater. We the non malays should be patient and work hard for our lives. There'll be reward from God in His way and His time.

  27. you have no rights to say anything about islam especially about our scholar's opinion. We as a muslim is obliged to them despite the fact that they are the one who has the capability of giving the opinion based on the Quran and Hadis of Prophet Muhammad SAW. You're not even a muslim at all and why bother of your precious time thinking others religion rights. It is specifically for muslim not for indian peoples. So, PLEASE DON'T GIVE SUCH A LAME OR SHOULD I SAY 'STUPID' REMARKS ABOUT OTHERS if you don't ever know the fundamentals reason of the fatwa that will be announced soon.

  28. Yelah itu semua haram bagi org fatwa.... mungkin lepas ini fatwa keluarkan statement bagi tahu semua muslim tak boleh terima darah dari org bukan islam...HARAM sebab perderma dgn penerima darah dari agama berbeza...

  29. sorry to say to anon 10.25pm... if you don't agree with bumi policy, the best thing for you to do is to MIGRATE!! take your whole family with you (maybe indonesia is one good place as our stupid doctor here lived there for six years). you will not be able to change the situation, in fact it may get worse for the non-bumis as it s projected that bumi will form 75% of the population in 15 years time.

  30. Majlis fatwa issued fatwa based on Islamic teachings and for the Muslims only. Other people who are non muslim still can practise their belief or culture.So, why the non muslim scared of Majlis Fatwa's fatwa? For example, according to Islamic teachings,muslim women should cover their aurat. If muslim women are not covering their aurat, they commit sin or haram. If non muslim women not covering their aurat, who cares?
    Likewise, if Majlis Fatwa decided that YOGA or TOMBOY are not in line with Islamic teachings and are Haram we should respect the Fatwa as the fatwa based on Islamic teachings. Therefore, for those non muslim please do not interfere in the issue of Majlis Fatwa's decision if you want the muslim brothers and sisters to respect your religion as may be in the Hinduism teachings are good for the hindu followers but not for other religion. Another example,in Hinduism there are many gods but in Islam this is syirik as the teachings of Islam there is only one God by the name of ALLAH. So please do respect Majlis Fatwa's decision if you want others to respect your religion.

  31. why the Fatwa fuckers not catching the drug addicts ? Only wanna catch lovers holding hands in parks and people having sex in hotels !

    no balls to catch drug addicts and thieves huh !!!!

    Dont just preach Islam, practise it also sometimes la u morons !!!

  32. The Islam religious men have nothing better to do, always coming up with nonsensical fatwa(s). The stupid flock of sheep will then blindly adhere to the fatwa(s) issued. Why can't they think for themselves, relying on nonsensical fatwa(s) to guide them through their life. Come on, if the Muslims are mature men and women, they should be able to think for their own good. Meanwhile, I'm waiting for the next hilarious fatwa to be issued. LOL

  33. That's the problem with the herd mentality that all Muslims have. Someone cried for blood and they'll turn it to Jihad. As the world knows it, it's a religion that advocates violence to achieve its objectives. So it's not surprising to see them following fatwa(s)issued even though these fatwas do not make any sense e.g. practising yoga will make you lose your faith. Niamah!

  34. Hi Wija Tosolleh, how on earth am I gonna to respect your religion when such hilarious fatwa(s) are issued? Ka ka ka ka

  35. Doctor,

    The Fatwa has got nothing to do with Hindus. It is for the Muslims and why Hindus are offended. If Hindus and any other than Muslims to practice Yoga or whatever practices go ahead. Who are you to mind what our ulamak decision? If you are knowledgeable Muslims then you have the right to argue by representing the Nas that support your arguments. Otherwise it is better for you to shutup and carry on practice whatever you have faith in.

    Did we Muslims ever questioned about beef that is forbidden to be taken by Hindus? Did ever we Muslims ever questioned about Pork taken by non Muslims or even alcohol? Go ahead and practice and we respect your faith.

    Haram decided by Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan is purely for Muslims. Who are you then to advice Muslims that whatever decision by Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan is wrong. But you can do that if you want to provided that you convert to the true path that is Islam.

    For correction, Islam exist since the first man on earth (Adam and Eve), Muhammad pbuh just continue whatever have been brought about by earlier Prophet, Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Isa and many others. Human as usual from time to time shall always swayed away from the true path.

  36. Dear Dr. Punithan Shan, that was very well written. I bet a lot of us share the same opinion and I wonder why my Malay friends take this sort of crap in these lives.

  37. Dr Punitha Shan,

    Many Muslims share your views too. Thank You son.

    Only barbarians speak about Fatwa then say no one can question it.

    I will only not question Allah and not some barbarian who weras a serban on earth.

  38. pllzz lah.. why are you so interst in our fatwa.. in only for muslims. Tell me if we muslim bother about you religious?? mybe u all will conter attack. so PLzz. for You information majlis fatwa people are not "crazy people" that give fatwa by their own. There are based on Al-quran and hadis, and also by the Islam knowladge.. so If you give opinion like that,that give bad dicription to the majlis fatwa. That mean you are enemy to muslim. beware!! plzz you have knowladge, try to do good. not to give bad and wrong dicription to Islam although you not muslim. because islam is fathful and good to other religious. think of you.. you live in muslim country.. you succues in live. Islam is for everyone. think of it.

  39. I think u should learn about islam and the fatwas, then u know, what is the function of the fatwas..

  40. hallooo Dr... better u suruh u punya itu samy dekat Batu Caves aaa pakai baju dulu jgn cari pasal looo...tak puas hati dengan M' boleh balik...full stop

  41. Dear compassionate intellects, flower of my heart, brave readers,

    Known & Unknown history, source from Arabic Scholar it self saying Islam design many things including borrowing and copying India, Indian, Hindu Hinduism knowledge. Solat for example copied and borrowed from Yoga Sutra.
    In historical time, Muslims did consciously borrow from yoga and acknowledged the source. The traveling scholar Abu Rayhan al-Biruni (11th century) translated the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali into Arabic. Shah Muhammad Ghaus of Gwalior (16th century), a leader of the Shattârîyah order of Sufis, incorporated yoga practices into his teaching, based on the yogic text Amrtakunda. Yoga even reached as far as North Africa, where al-Sanusi (19th century) wrote of the yoga âsanas (jalsah); he referred to yoga in Arabic as “al-Jûjîyah“. Hereby source from Arab said Islam praying system design from Yoga Sutra.

    Visit blogs for more details:
    Still its mystery, why Malaysia Fatwa Council fatwa on yoga for Muslim.

    Fatwa Council what un-educated and un-mature attitude towards their own man kind!

    Radiance of Universal Mind,

  42. Malaysia Vision 2020 and India's Quantum Theory
    This blogs created with written document evidence and after consult/refer several experts globally including Arabic Muslim scholars.
    Visit for more articles.

    Fatwa on Yoga. Adakah anda faham apa itu fatwa? Kenapa tak fatwa ‘0’ dan ‘1’. Ada yoga di haramkan dalam Islamic? Adakah yoga haram ditulis dalam apa juga dokumentasi Islam? Jika yoga haram kenapa En. Abu Rayhan al-Biruni (11th century) translasi dan menulis buku India Yoga Sutra oleh Yogi Patanjali ke bahasa Arabic. Kenapa Yoga diberi nama 'al-Jûjîyah'? Arab & Yoga? Islam & Yoga?

    Why Middle East countries Islam are originated doesn’t ban yoga and they have better yoga foundation, studio and Muslim yoga instructors too?

    It’s greatest sin to manipulate knowledge!
    India is Cradle for Knowledge. Indian they and their Vedas and them self doesn't group into any religious group. Thus Indian known is Dharma or nearest word in English is Highly Evolve Intellectual with Compassionate for all. India, Indian never separates them self as a group like Hindu until following historical things happen.
    Nevertheless the scholar's who come from around the world including Greek, Egypt, Babylon, Arab, Jews, Europe's, whom study various discipline from India when they travel back to home country just to differentiate them self from THE ORIGINAL TEACHERS expert whom are India Rishi, Yogi, Gurus and to avoid using Vedas directly they have to renamed, modified, adopted partial knowledge drop part of it. The truth will ever reveal as it and its exist in their own language, in their own countries historical books at their own library. When the student have group name they wanted the original master 'India/Indian' to have group name and about 2039 years ago the word Hindu appear from word Sindhu River, because Arab trader couldn't pronounce Sindhu properly.
    With highest compassionate an India/Indian will never simply use in ego the word oh this is knowledge from Hinduism unless until such things like Fatwa Yoga in Malaysia. Now if I use the word India, automatically the others going use word Hinduism / Sanskrit / Tamil philosophy.
    Back to our original matter which is Malaysia's Vision 2020, to be developed nation. Yes we can achieved it. From my understanding Vision 2020 achieved when:
    First Establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysia
    Second Creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society
    Third Fostering and developing a mature democratic society
    Forth Establishing a fully moral and ethical society
    Fifth Establishing a matured liberal and tolerant society
    Sixth Establishing a scientific and progressive society
    Seventh Establishing a fully caring society
    Eighth Ensuring an economically just society, in which there is a fair and equitable distribution of the wealth of the nation
    Ninth Establishing a prosperous society with an economy that is fully competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient
    Refer to Second key attainment Creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society.
    Do anyone know what is the meaning of psychological means? There is another word for psychological is India=Indian=Hindu=Hinduism.

    Now Big Bang Theory agreeing Indian Philosophy.

    Things like Universe Created from Nothingness need to be accepted.
    Refer to Sixth key attainment creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society; for this to be achieved every individual in Malaysia will the accept Indian Philosophy?

    The Question is When Malaysian Scientist Will Be Perfect in Metaphysics R&D?
    read further for the answer back by scientific evidence
    Global experts / scientist research prove the internationally accepted fact that Modern Scientist have to meet Indian's Vedas to be perfect researchers. That's I have special quotes:
    All past; modern, current and future scientific research activities FOUND INFORMATION RESULTS are reversing knowledge of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation. Ancient art of Kundalini Yoga Meditation invention, existence & it's usage pre-dates any written & unwritten STUDIES in the world.
    By Mahaguru Elanggovan
    India & Indian Vedas are Perfect Knowledge
    Modern scientist will be error free upon
    understanding and accepting the mind of Sage / Rishi / Yogi
    Among hundreds, thousands, millions of globally known fact that only India / Indian / Hinduism 's philosophy, vedas, knowledge, theory, mathematics, concept, R&D finding perfectly match with current latest modern sciences in quantum theory and metaphysics area.
    By Prof Henry Stapp, Physicist
    “The basic oneness of the universe is not only the central characteristic of the mystical experience but is also one of the most important revelations of modern physics. The most important discovery in history of sciences.”
    The Rishi's vision of a world in which man participates in a seamless existence, indivisibly united with the universe around him, resonates through a discovery called "BELL'S THEOREM". This discovery, first proposed in 1964 by the physicist John S. Bell was first confirmed by experiment in 1972 by Professor John Clauser at Berkley. It is an almost unbelievable result - unbelievable because the logical mind has great difficulty in comprehending how it can be true. Its impact on the physics community has been enormous. Professor Henry Stapp, a physicist at Berkley and an authority on the implications of Bell's Theorem, has called it THE MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. A description of the proof of Bell's theory, as given by Stapp reads:"If the statistical predictions of quantum theory are true, an objective universe is incompatible with the law of local causes." Although formidable at first glance, Bell's Theorem seems simpler once key terms are understood. First, an "objective universe" is simply one that exists apart from our consciousness.

    Edited from
    The Question is Will Malaysian Achieved Vision 2020 in reality on just on paper?
    The Question is When Malaysian Scientist Will Be Perfect in Metaphysics R&D?
    Are Malaysian Scientist and People of Whole Country Will Accept Metaphysics?
    Are We Willing to Accept India / Indian / Hinduism Vedas?
    Every individual can decide individually as it is been brief from scientific point of view not accepting religious point of view.
    Wake up, cheers up guys, we are in reality world don't just talk non-sense by keeping your individual mind and making the other intellectual as non-brain peoples.
    When Indian say India why others have to accelerated the issue as Hinduism and finally stuck in non-fundamental situation?
    In historical time, Muslims did consciously borrow from yoga and acknowledged the source. The traveling scholar Abu Rayhan al-Biruni (11th century) translated the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali into Arabic. Shah Muhammad Ghaus of Gwalior (16th century), a leader of the Shattârîyah order of Sufis, incorporated yoga practices into his teaching, based on the yogic text Amrtakunda. Yoga even reached as far as North Africa, where al-Sanusi (19th century) wrote of the yoga âsanas (jalsah); he referred to yoga in Arabic as “al-Jûjîyah“. Hereby source from Arab said Islam praying system design from Yoga Sutra.
    Visit for more articles.

    With highest un-conditional love and compassionate in heart I would like call a peace request please allow individual utilize ancient art of yoga meditation as it already incorporate into global cultural centuries ago. By doing yoga it’s more systematic and to gain higher results.
    By Mahaguru Elanggovan Contact for Corporate Yoga
    The Professional Corporate Yoga Workshop Provider

  43. Yoga Meditation is Fundamental Yet Leads Towards Most Advance Human Achievement
    Written with un-conditional compassionate and love for man kinds especially looking at what happen for Malaysian Muslim friends.
    I think now JAKIM need to have open meeting with Yoga expertise, Medical Experts and openly declare that Yoga is Pure Sciences. Conditional the training should be without mantras, deity photos and rituals. Then all will find save, not shame and without inferiority practicing yoga.

    Hi JAKIM why you wearing pans & shirt especially Coat Suites is design by Christian which the TIE is actually look like Cross +. Please fatwa tie wearing!


    Arabic under physicians such as Avicenna and Razi Sempion both whom quoted Indian Ayurvedic text, established Islamic medicine.

    It is interesting to compare the symbolism of Prophet Muhammad's nighttime ascent to Heaven,
    al-Mi‘râj, with the corresponding symbolism in yoga. The Prophet ascended on al-Burâq, a riding beast with the head of a woman, through the seven heavens to the Throne of God. In yoga, the kuNDalinî is a feminine power (sakti) that dwells at the base of the spine and ascends through seven levels (represented by the seven cakras) to the summit of liberation (brahmarandhra).

    It goes without saying that both Islam and yoga require basic physical and moral cleanliness and purity (tahârah, sauca) before performing their practices. The two differ in several respects, but one feature that is common to both is using water to rinse the breathing passages: a yoga kriya (cleansing practice) called jala neti consists of pouring water into one nostril so that it flows through the sinuses and out the other nostril. The Muslim when making wudû’ takes water up the nose and blows it out; this is called istinshâ’.

    Again, the Islamic version does not go as deep,
    being simplified to make it easily accessible to everyone.

    The list can go on……

    1. All Muslim should not use number '0' this is originated philosophy of Suniyam (Nothingness). There is indirect approach to accept the truth of universal creation. It may not suitable for Muslim.
    2. Muslim shouldn’t practice NLP
    3. Muslim shouldn’t use 'pi' formula.
    4. Muslim shouldn’t use 'Chess Game'.
    5. Muslim shouldn’t use Arithmetic and Geometric maths formulas.
    6. Muslim shouldn’t use medical knowledge and cannot be doctor. Because the entire human's endocrine gland system well known and documented perfectly by Indian philosophy in various Vedas, which yet not discover into final detail by modern scientist.
    7. Muslim shouldn’t use curry to cook.
    8. Muslim shouldn’t cook/eat toosai, because it shapes like starting of 'AUM'
    9. Muslim shouldn’t R&D anything because everything link to ATOM=ANU which first founded and introduce by Indian Veda.
    10. Everything copied/duplicated required modification and reducing it to hide the original. Its happen to all including to languages which copied from Tamil which only language have oldest and un-destroyed Literature/Dictionary in the world.
    11. Muslim shouldn’t use / do anything.

    I highly suggest and urge JAKIM will FATWA:
    1. Fatwa ban on all sports which remove skurfs (TUDUNG)
    2. Fatwa ban on women/girls who take part sports which only wearing swim suite & underwear (gymnastic/quash/badminton/volley ball/etc).
    3. Fatwa ban on women who wear shorts like Badminton.
    4. Fatwa ban facebook for Muslim who expose photos to public.
    5. Fatwa ban for medical student who have expose and explorer both sex human body.
    6. Fatwa ban for all Malaysian MOVIE which expose BODY from release for market especially Malay, Tamil & Hindi.
    7. Fatwa ban for all TV show which singing, dance, games which mere exposing body, action, talks which beyond ethic.
    8. Fatwa ban for all liquor company like Carlsberg, Guinness, etc. Ask them stop operation immediately.
    9. Fatwa ban for all cigarette firms.
    10. Fatwa ban for all massage/spa by rejecting all LICENCE.
    11. Fatwa on Muslim using the numeral which invented by Indian. '0' is Suniyam concept of Indian nothingness philosophy which will leads towards Hinduism principle.
    12. Fatwa from Muslim girls going out for shift works.
    13. Fatwa from Muslim girls to go out without a family man together.


    You know what will happen the land of lovely Malaysia will empty desert where not only Indian & Chinese will migrate but first of all Mature Muslim Malays will migrate earlier.

    All reference here by Sanskrit (Euro-Indo) language document if refer by Tamil Document as original Indian language and only language qualify 11/11 criteria for pure language then knowledge have trace back history of Kumari Kandam which dated back 15,000 years ago. World's entire knowledge unfold from Indian Yogis breathe while in meditating. Proof being discover by latest researchers inside Indian Ocean.

    Vedic Philosophy

    The Vedas are the oldest written text on our planet today.
    They date back to the beginning of Indian civilization and
    are the earliest literary records of the human mind.

    They have been passed through oral tradition for over
    15,000 years, and first appeared
    in written form between 2500 - 5,000 years ago.

    Veda means “Knowledge” in Sanskrit which derived from Tamil Vetham.

    The entire invention before and yet to come is origin from the source of Greatest Indian Siddhar, Yogi, Munivar's writing which arise from the result of practicing the Yoga & Meditation.

    A few to list:

    India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.

    Aryabhatta was the first to explain spherical shape, size ,diameter, rotation and correct speed of Earth in 499 AD.

    The World's first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC. Students from all over the World studied more than 60 subjects.

    The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.
    Sanskrit is considered the mother of all higher languages but it has trace back to Tamil as oldest language. Sanskrit is the most precise, and therefore suitable language for computer software - a report in Forbes magazine, July 1987.

    Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans. Charaka, the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago. Ayurveda is the only medicine academic where all other old as well modern health caring technique grown from. Ayurveda is purely Indian and if you want to tell the truth in JAKIM’s context it’s HINDUSIM base.

    Today Ayurveda is fast regaining its rightful place in civilization.
    Christopher Columbus was attracted India's wealth and was looking for route to India when he discovered the American continent by mistake.

    The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindh 6000 years ago. The word ‘Navigation’ is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is also derived from Sanskrit 'Nou'.

    In Siddhanta Siromani (Bhuvanakosam 6) Bhaskaracharya II described about gravity of earth about 400 years before Sir Isaac Newton. He also had some clear notions on differential calculus, and the Theory of Continued Fraction.

    Madhavacharya discovered Taylor series of Sine and Cosine function about 250 years before Taylor.

    Madhavacharya discovered Newton Power series.

    Madhavacharya discovered Gregory Leibnitz series forthe Inverse Tangent about 280 years before Gregory.

    Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. Time taken by earth to orbit the sun: (5th century) 365.258756484 days

    Infinity was well known for ancient Indians. Bhaskaracharya II in Beejaganitha(stanza-20) has given clear explanation with examples for infinity

    Theory of Continued Fraction was discovered by Bhaskaracharya II.

    Indians discovered Arithmetic and Geometric progression. Arithmetic progression is explained in Yajurveda.

    Govindaswamin discovered Newton Gauss Interpolation formula about 1800 years before Newton.

    Vateswaracharya discovered Newton Gauss Backward Interpolation formula about 1000 years before Newton.

    Parameswaracharya discovered Lhuiler’s formula about 400 years before Lhuiler.

    Nilakanta discovered Newton’s Infinite Geometric Progression convergent series.

    Positive and Negative numbers and their calculations were explained first by Brahmagupta in his book Brahmasputa Siddhanta.

    Aryabhatta also propounded the Heliocentric theory of gravitation, thus predating Copernicus by almost one thousand years.

    The value of "pi" was first calculated by Boudhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians. This was ‘validated’ by British scholars in 1999.
    Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were propounded by Sridharacharya in the 11th century.
    The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 1053 with specific names as early as 5000 BC during the Vedic period. Even today, the largest used number is Tera: 10 power of 12.

    Maharshi Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted complicated surgeries like caesareans, cataract, artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones and even plastic surgery.

    Usage of anaesthesia was well known in ancient India. Over 125 surgical equipments were used.
    Detailed knowledge of anatomy, physiology, aetiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many texts.
    When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in the Sindhu Valley Civilization.

    Most worlds curry base cooking originated from India.

    Rig Vedas (1.50), a hymn addressed to the Sun, refers quite clearly that the Sun traverses 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesha. This is in fact refers to the speed of light.

    The World's First Granite Temple is the Brihadeswara temple at Tanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The shikhara is made from a single '80-tonne' piece of granite.

    The world famous and priceless “Kohinoor” diamond, which is set in the Crown of the British monarch (Queen Victoria, and Elizabeth II), was acquired from India.

    According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source for diamonds to the world.

    Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was reportedly invented in India.

    The game of snakes & ladders was created by the 13th century poet saint Gyandev. It was originally called 'Mokshapat.' The ladders in the game represented virtues and the snakes indicated vices.

    India's ancient achievements in Medical Science
    Artificial Limb
    Number of Chromosomes (23)
    Combination of Male and Female
    Analysis of Ears
    Beginning of the Foetal
    Test Tube Babies ( from the ovum only)
    Test Tube Babies ( from the sperm only)
    Elongation of Life in confirmed Space Travel
    Cell Division (in 3 layers)
    A material producing a disease can prevent or cure the disease in minute quantity
    Developing Embyro in Vitro
    Life in trees and plants
    16 Functions of the Brain Eitereya
    Definition of Sleep Prashna-Upanishad

    India's ancient achievements in Physical Science
    Velocity of Light
    Trans-Saturnean Planets
    Space Travel to another solar system
    Gravitational Force (Prashnopanishad)
    Ultraviolet Band
    Infra-Red Band
    Tachyons faster than light
    Nuclear Energy
    Black Holes
    Monsoon at Summer Solstice
    Entry in South America by Aeroplanes
    Phosphorescent Trident at the Bay of Pisco, Peru, S.America
    Atom (Divisible) & (Indivisible)

    The 4 kinetic ideas behind Hindu Vedic Spirituality (Modern world call NLP)

    Majority Religious Fail because:

    Dear Readers,
    I'm practicing yoga since 11 years old, provide training for more then 10 years. I wish the best for Muslim friends.
    Any history can be wrong, wrongly written, wrongly understand or even manipulated.
    Truth is Truth which is India is source of all knowledge for man kind in this world, Hinduism is platform of any philosophy and life's code of ethics originates. That's also to be sharp we should say Dharma = 'Compassionate' is where VEDAS formulated.
    Whole world every life form will have to point to India if any question need to be clarify with perfect or perfected answer including about sciences, philosophy and origin or god matter. Scientist without meeting Indian Sage and Yogi is continues test ground with correctable error. For a past 21 century history proves this.
    As such just to summarize the whole briefing :
    Ayurveda, Sciences, Invention as well cultural are origin from India, Dharma, In some people words Hinduism.
    Everyone in this world including Christian, Islam Budhist, Jews, etc have become brain by reading those Vedas and translate with customisation according to each individual groups requirement. Most important activity of damage is the pure knowledge of Indian is been cut off partially or change to avoid original tracing thus its hanging without wholeness.
    Learned men from China, Tibet the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Afghanistanis, Persians, Arabs and more traveled to learn the complete wisdom and bring it back to their own countries.
    Arabic under physicians such as Avicenna and Razi Sempion both whom quoted Indian Ayurvedic text, established Islamic medicine. AYURVEDIC and its medical treatment concept IS HIDUISM BASE!

    16th century Europe, Paracelus, ho is known as the father of modern Western medicine, practiced and propagated a system of medicine which borrowed heavily from Ayurveda.
    If some proves that my statement is wrong then i will remove this blogs immediately.
    Fatwa on Yoga is the greatest loss for Muslim in Malaysia. Soon or near future the world history will witness and accept my compassionate statements.
    I have heard muslim people wanted to do pilates, from where does pilates orginates check carefully Muslim should not play Chess Game it is design by Indian?
    Next what could happen further highest migration statistic from Malaysia muslim to OVERSEA will increase for next following years.
    Can I ask to someone if NOT YOGA to show which other exercise can cure Diebetics or Asthma?
    Ok, if you say use medicine then modern medicine foundation its from Ayurvedic!
    Most NHS or Hospital and Churhs in Western countries opening with high priority of Yoga Theraphy Centre as important community services.
    A day will come Western will stop produce R&D and drugs and just implement Yoga & Meditation, so what Malaysian Muslim going to do for medicine?
    This year alone above USD900 Million dollars (RM3,150,000,000.00) more then RM3.5 Billion ringgit spend for Yoga & Meditation research towards health & psyhology benefit in Western country)
    Very important message, Indian, via Dharma Edge or now call Hinduism found CHAKRA which is 7 major Chakra, 7 major types of frequencies in human body. It's can be readed via biometric devices (finger print technology). That's is base universal energy flow thru human body thru Chakra and major Endrocrine Gland system. This chakra also base for Yoga Meditation which become beyond ordinary human's imagination about health recovery.
    Every human including you and me have that 7 Chakra energy centre of conscious spot existed in body. Sinces this great knowledge is reveal by Indian , Dharma=Hinduism Are you going to deny this 7 Chakra is not exist in your body?
    This is just a briefing after several calls/sms/emails/blogs chat about my view about Fatwa on Yoga.
    Every country who Fatwa on Yoga will remove it again just matter of time, Malaysia could be first or last country to remove fatwa on yoga.
    Fatwa on Yoga is the greatest loss for Muslim in Malaysia. Soon or near future the world history will witness and accept my compassionate statements.

  44. Rather than ranting like a two year old with temper, you need to respect others religion. Stop being lazy and so the research yourself. As far as I'm concerned yoga and Islam doesn't go eye to eye in terms of the teaching and chanting thats involved (on a religious perspective). However calling a fatwa "stupid" proves your mental capacity.
