Friday, November 14, 2008

Are the Malay Rulers relevant??? ~ Malaysiakini

We have seen many interesting developments since PRU12. We know know why the people rejected Barisan Nasional. Sadly, we still hear racist remarks coming from Umno. This is malaysia 'tanah tumpah darahku' guys. Penang DCM says non Malay application for government jobs being torn and thrown into dustbin. Why are non Malays treated in such a unfair way by Umno???

The malay rulers have come out with statements about unity, equality for all malaysian. Do they mean every word they say???

Or is this just lip service by the malay rulers. The people need the malay rulers to stand up and protect all races in malaysia.

Is the malay rulers walking the talk??? If not, are the malay rulers relevant if they can't stand up to Umno's bullying of the people???


  1. Prince Charles doesnt want to be head of the Church of England when he becomes King. He says its not right bcos his subjects are not Christians alone but include Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists.

    In Malaysia the King asks non Malays not to question the social contract, an undocumented invisible ? agreement.

    So u tell me if they are relevant or not

  2. Perhaps we should ask the other way around.
    What had they done to make them relevent ?

  3. If Prince Charles doesnt want to be a king of England.Does it means the brit will allow any hindus,muslim or buddhist to be their king?.Obviously England will find another english prince to be their king to protect their english subjects first. So u got to go back to malay history and try to understand --- apa itu "Persekutuan tanah melayu dan raja-raja melayu". Then u know why I say YES they are relevant to malaysia.
